Sunday, March 27, 2011


Every day, people from all walks of life succeed and reach their potential and develop amazing business instincts. We value your experiences and we want YOU to use them to achieve your goals!

NEFFUL offers more than products; we offer an alternative way to earn financial freedom. We help empower distributors and their families to reach their goals, and we provide hope despite boundaries of economics or education.

More than 400,000 NEFFUL distributors worldwide have improved the quality of their lives by increasing their earning power – working from a home office and improving the lives of others. And you can do all these, too.

NEFFUL’s business plan is ideal for:

* Part-time job holders
* Stay-at-home moms and dads
* Retirees (or those planning on retirement soon)
* Health and wellness professionals including personal trainers, physical therapists and others in the recuperative realms of medical science
* College students
* Experienced entrepreneurs
* Independent sales representatives
* Alternative medicine practitioners
* Health and wellness store owners
* Home healthcare workers
* Current consumers of NEFFUL products

NEFFUL will help you every step of the way by providing on-going training, marketing support, success bonuses and achievement awards. NOW is the time to take control. NOW is the time to join NEFFUL.

Drop us an e-mail and we’ll send you more information about the endless possibilities with NEFFUL.

Business Opportunity - Frequently Asked Questions

Is NEFFUL a pyramid scheme? Far from it! NEFFUL is a legitimate business endeavor. We have been a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), a national association of firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services directly to the consumer. NEFFUL has been a proud member since 2002 and we adhere to the DSA’s strict ethical business practices and consumer services. We are lawfully registered as a corporation globally.

Where are your products made? Our NEFFLON products are made and imported from Japan. All of our products undergo strict quality control and standards that ensure the best final products for our distributors regardless the product’s country of origin. 

How much can I expect to make as a distributor? Quite simply: it’s up to you! Our business plan allows for unlimited income possibilities. Distributors have slight income variations from month-to-month, depending heavily on the amount of time, sales, and recruitment that they do. Generally speaking, the more active you are, the more you will earn. There are no monthly quotas to fill and once you reach your rank, you are never demoted. 

Can’t I get the same products elsewhere? NEFFUL is an exclusive distributor of all of our product lines and products. Although some companies or manufacturers might offer similar products, none compare to the quality that NEFFUL offers. Our products are not sold in store shelves without a dedicated NEFFUL distributor behind it! Our distributors offer unique, exclusive products that can’t be imitated or replicated. 

I hear that it’s tough to leave businesses like this. Do I become a member indefinitely once I sign up? Not at all! Although signing up qualifies you for a lifetime membership, you can opt out at any time. Distributors are able to resign their distributorship/membership at will. There are always loose-ends to tie up when you leave a business or job and our procedures are no different from general business practices.

Teviron Knit Hat

Teviron Knit Hat 








Features: Matches with a variety of styles. Made with superior quality stretchable knitting. It can also be worn over ears on very cold days to protect your ears. 

Material: 67% Teviron Negative Ion Clothing; 17% Nylon; 15% Acrylic; 1% Wool.    




Benefits:  Improve quality of sleep, cure insomnia, change grey hair to black hair, prevent hair loss.  (Take as reference only)



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Clean and Care Instructions for Teviron Products


什么是负离子?负离子的发现 产生与应用


近几年来负离子这个词大家都很熟悉,在广告中、商品中、报纸上,电视上都经常可听可见,那么什么是负离子呢?用一句话很难解答。按通俗讲,我们只能先 做个比喻;人是什么?是人一种高级动物,因生理结构特性,而将人划分为男人女人,如果没有这种划分法,男人女人也都得叫人了。

按上述划分法,有了负离子,也就会有正离子,它们都是由离子中分叫出来的,那么离子是什么?只能按科学家讲法去解释。在物理学中的,我们都知道, 物质是由分子组成的,分子是由原子组成的,原子是由原子核及围绕其旋转的电子组成,当物体得到电子时显负电性,失去电子时显正电性,我们把正负电子运动现 象称为离子现象,即带有正电荷的物体叫正离子,把带有负电荷的物体叫负离子。


负离子发现与应用是人类在十九世纪的事,第一个国际学术会上证明负离子对人体有功效的是德国物理学家菲利浦莱昂纳博士,他认为地球自然环境对人类健康有益 的负离子最多的地方是瀑布周围,一九三 O 年前苏联学者发表了用空气负离子治疗疾病的论文,美国也发表了负离子统计数据, 21 世纪大气中正离子与负离子比例为 1.2 1 现代社会发展已破坏了自然界中离子的平衡,1930年美国 DESSAVER,提出负离子会使人产生安宁的感觉、和改善健康环境的见解。



1 、大气受紫外线,宇宙射线,放射物质,雷雨,风暴等因素的影响发生电离而产生负离子。

2 、瀑布冲击,细浪推卷暴雨跌失等 自然过程中水在重力作用下,高速流动,水分子裂解而产生负离子。

3 、森林的树木,叶枝尖端放电及绿色植物光合作用形成的光电效应,使空气电离而产生的负离子。


当人类确认负离子对人有功效作用时,为了改善环境促进健康,各种负离子发生器大量被发明出来,主要采用两个途径,一种是利用高压电产生电离使空气产生负离 子,另一种利用天然矿物质,经科原加工而成,能释放负离子材料地球上很多,通常指能量石,有各种矿石,海藻类海底石和含有蛋白的轻质页岩,利用此种材料采 用高科技技术加工成细粉体,与高分子材料相配全,可研究出很多产品,应用在纺织工业,塑料产品、纸制品等,形成各种负离子功能产品,这些产品负离子释放数 量每立方厘米可达 1200 —— 5000 个,不亚于人类在郊外,田野的自然环境中。


综上所述负离子产生除了自然现象(如紫外线光合作用雷电等),人类用自己的智慧开发许多负离子产品,其原理基本是一致的,当空气和其它特定环境中存在能发 射负离子条件的地方就会使大气中( O 2 N 2 C02 S02 H20 )中的电子 e 释放出来,它与 C02 H20 反应如下:

H20+e ←→ 02 H20 m
C02+e ←→ C04 H20 m
C04+ H20 2+H2 ←→ 02 H20 m+ C02



空气是由无数分子组成,由于自然界的宇宙射线、紫外线、土壤和空气放射线的影响,有些空气分子就释放出电子,在通常的大气压下,被释放出的电子很快又和空 气中的中性分子结合,而成为负离子,或称为阴离子。负离子是空气中一种带负电荷的气体离子,有人把负离子称为空气维生素,并认为它像食物的维生素一 样,对人体及其他生物的生命活动有着十分重要的影响,有的甚至认为空气负离子与长寿有关,称它为长寿素


可是,您知道吗?负氧离子是复苏生命、促进新陈代谢必不可少的要素。据日本科学家饭野节夫研究发现,氧离子的质和量直接影响人体的代谢功能。如在血液中, 生物体离子和体内的矿物质(钠、钙、钾)有着密切的关系,当负氧离子增加时,以细胞膜为首的所有细胞的功能会明显转佳,血液中的钙、钠的离子化率便会上 升,使血液成为弱碱化,有利于营养物质的充分吸收和老化废物的完全排除,从而使血液得到最好的净化。



、是对神经系统的影响。可使大脑皮层功能及脑力活动加强,精神振奋,工作效益提高,能使睡眠质量得到改善。 负离子还可使脑组织的氧化过程力度加强,使脑组织获得更多的氧。


