Monday, January 31, 2011

Surprising effects of Teviron healthy negatively charged ions - Part 4


The autonomous nervous system mainly controls functions of respiration, circulation, digestion, metabolism which cannot be controlled by self-consciousness.

The autonomous nervous system includes adrenergic nerves and parasympathetic nerves. The adrenergic nerves effect muscle tension and nerves which activate in the daytime to consume energy. By contrast, the parasympathetic nerves slacken the body, and it is a nighttime nerve, which improves the functions of internal organs. Modern people eat acidic food and get insufficient exercise, which acidifies the blood, they become tired easily, have a constitution with acidic pH values, and have elevated blood pressure. As the blood pressure increases, blood tends to be more acidic, thus entering a vicious cycle and creating somatopsychic disturbance. Negative ions can improve ion permeability of cell membranes, and elevate membrane potential. The nerve cell is the most prominent in this, and it transforms outside stimulations into nerve pulsing and transmits to the neural system in the brain, which is most sensitive.

Under the pressures of modern society, many factors assault the brain center directly causing autonomous nervous system disturbance, adrenergic nerve and parasympathetic nerve disturbances, as well as mental and physical disorders. Negative ions can reverse the unhealthy situation, bring nerve cell membrane potential to a normal level, cause blood to become more alkaline, normalize physical capacity, and end the vicious cycle as they restore perfection to both body and mind.

Surprising effects of Teviron healthy negatively charged ions - Part 3


Resistance is another term for immunity. The immune system contains the innate immunity system and acquired immunity system. The innate immunity system contains macrophage and natural killer cells. Macrophage can encircle a foreign body, and natural killer cells can clear away invading tumor cells. The acquired immunity system contains T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. The main function of the T lymphocyte is to identify foreign bacteria and viruses, while the B lymphocyte’s function is to generate antibodies and remember. If the same bacteria and virus invade again, B lymphocytes will produce the same antibody; so this is the axiom to vaccination.

Activation of cells will strengthen cellular immunity, make them more energetic, enhance the ability of leucocytes to phagocytize bacteria and viruses, speed up antibody production by lymphocytes, and increase antibody quantity. A strong immune system can kill bacteria and viruses, and cure illness.

Surprising effects of Teviron healthy negatively charged ions - Part 2


Every cell has a cellular membrane, a cell substance and nucleus. The Cellular membrane defends against foreign substances. There are many tiny gaps in the membrane to transport nutrition into cells and discharge metabolite out of cells. In addition, there are many microvilli on the surface which respond to surrounding changes. The cellular membrane is just like skin.

The Cell substance produces cell nutrition. It contains mitochondria, ribosome, Golgi bodies, and lysosomes. Mitochondria is an electricity station for cells, supplying energy (ATP). Ribosomes manufacture protein synthesis. Golgi bodies are in charge of packing and transporting nutrient substance (ATP, protein). Lysosomes digest metabolic waste and excrete it. 

The Nucleus is in charge of replication, heredity, and regeneration. The nucleus is the core of the cell, much like a brain.

When the living environment changes, the human body environment will also change; microvilli on the cellular membrane can respond to the change, transfer information to the nucleus, then give an order to manufacture energy, and cells will accommodate the environment by changing metabolism function and physical capacity. 

Such changes can induce cell atrophy and death, hyperplasic or transformation to another type of cell, and during the transition process may form tumor cells. 

When blood becomes acidified, cells become harder and thicker and cannot get enough nutrients, cell reactions will become weak, and metabolic wastes cannot be discharged out of cells, which leads to cellular necrosis. If blood is alkaline, it can supply enough nutrition for cells, cells need not change metabolic function, and thus an abnormal cell will not emerge.

When negative ions touch cells, the passageway function of the cell membrane activates to transport essential moisture, nutrients, and oxygen into cells, break down cytotoxin, and effect cell activation. Regenerated cells will be healthier and possess much more vitality.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Surprising effects of Teviron healthy negatively charged ions - Part 1


A negative ion encourages blood circulation, supplies more nutrients and oxygen, cleanses the blood, and accelerates metabolism of wastes produced in the human body. 
Blood of healthy people is alkaline with a pH value of about 7.35 to 7.45. Modern people are changing to unhealthy habits of food and drink, with more meat and fewer vegetables, which all tend to acidify the blood and create excessive acid material. This acid material deposits on joints, which may lead to arthritis.

The acidity or alkalinity of the blood is determined by the content of calcium (Ca2+) in the blood. Ca2+ plays an important role in the human body by controlling the heartbeat, nerve conduction, cerebrum thinking, skeleton growth, and circulation. The normal content of Ca2+ in blood serum is 4mg/100cc. When the content is 3mg/100cc, the body may feel exhausted; when the content is 2.5mg/100cc, the body may have chronic diseases; when the content is 1mg/100cc about, life may be at the edge of death.

Besides paying attention to healthy food and drink habits, such as eating more vegetables and less meat, negative ions are also helpful in maintaining the Ca2+ content at a normal level. After the human body is exposed to negative ions over a period of time, the level of Ca2+ may slowly near the normal state, blood may become alkaline, and furthermore, the blood will be cleansed.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Benefits of Negative Ions


1) Purifies the blood system, stimulating blood circulation.
2) Increases cell metabolism, causing an increase in cell activity. 
3) Enhances the body’s immune system so you won’t get sick or catch cold easily.
4) Regulates autonomic nerves, enhance your health so you are always in optimal health.

According to Asian Medical Journal - the amount of negative ions in the air:
The amount of negative ion (Per 1cc of air)
  • 1,000~2,000                    It is good for your health
  • 5,000~50,000                  Able to strengthen our body’s resistance and improve immunity
  • 100,000~500,000             Helps our body to self-heal (Improve illness)
The largest organ in our body is our skin. We are only able to absorb 15% of negative ions through breathing. If we use our skin to absorb negative ions, the efficiency rises to 85%. 

Therefore, our body cans absorb 100% of negative ions if we wear Teviron garments.

1) 净化血液:活化巨噬细胞,加速身体排除毒素、老旧废物,如:尿酸、胆固醇,能使血液清澈,预防血管阻塞、手脚冰冷。
2) 促进细胞活化性:使细胞充满活力,新陈代谢旺盛,能产生抗老化的作用,预防慢性病、恶性肿瘤。
3) 增强抵抗力:改善过敏体质,预防细菌、病毒的感染,使人不容易生病感冒。
4) 调整自律神经:让我们的身体处于优良状态,最典型的自律神经失调,例如:失眠、头痛、腰痠背痛、生理痛等等问题。

根据亚洲医学杂志所报导空气中负离子含量:- CC空气中的负离子含量
  • 1,000~2,000              对人体健康有帮助
  • 5,000~50,000            能增加人体的抵抗力及免疫力
  • 100,000~500,000       对疾病有治疗作用
  • 由呼吸(肺部)吸收仅达15%
  • 透过皮肤吸收可达85%


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How did Negative Ion fiber technology develop?

Research of Negative Ion Fiber 

Since 1938, Japan has conducted research on the feasibility of “negative ion fibers”. Through more than 20 years of research, high-tech procedures have successfully solved this problem. As long as people wear clothing made from negative fibers, they will have active cells, which will enhance their immune system resistance and lighten the discomfort of chronic diseases.

To date, we know that negative ion fibers contain: Teviron fiber, polypropylene fiber, ecological fiber, and super thin crude cotton fiber. Among the fibers listed above, the developmental history of Teviron fiber is the longest, its application is the broadest, and there is persistent research and improvement of this fiber. Teviron fiber has gathered many favorable opinions. 

What is Teviron fiber?  

Chloridated polyethylene is the raw material of Teviron fiber. Chloridated polyethylene is extracted from petroleum, using acetone and benzene as solvents to make it fibrous. The main manufacturing place for Teviron fiber is located in the Yamaguchi country of Japan. 

After a short time on the market in Japan, Teviron fiber has had the honor of receiving three prizes, including the OHKOUCHI Prize, (the topmost prize in the fiber realm of Japan), the Majestic Benefaction Invention Award (presented by Majesty Mikado Showa of Japan), and the High Molecule Institute prize (special honor in the chemistry industry). Teviron fiber has many useful properties such as the ability to stay moist, incubation, permeation, effect of negative ions, and its fire retardant quality. All of these properties of the Teviron fiber are very beneficial for human health.

The Teviron material has been awarded 3 major awards :-

Monday, January 3, 2011

More Studies Showing Effectiveness of Negative Ions

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
A recent study by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture found that ionizing a room led to 52% less dust in the air, and 95% less bacteria in the air (since many of the pollutants found in the air reside on floating dust particles). 
The USDA also performed another study to test the effectiveness of negative ionization at removing airborne Salmonella Enteritidis. The negative ions drastically reduced the airborne salmonella particles, prompting the following statement from the USDA:
"These results indicate that negative air ionization can have a significant impact on the airborne microbial load in a poultry house and at least a portion of this effect is through direct killing of the organisms."

Agriculture Research Service (of USDA)
The Agriculture Research Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture tested the effectiveness of ionizers for removing dust in a poultry hatchery. The dust level is very high in such an environment. In this study, the use of an ionizer resulted in dust removal efficiencies that averaged between 81.1 ~ 92.2%. The airborne transmission of salmonella (to the eggs) was also significantly reduced as a result. 

Journal of Hygiene
Scientists showed that ionization reduced bacterial levels in burns and plastic surgery units by over 96% after a two week period, which results in much better and more rapid healing of patients.

Journal of Applied Microbiology
The use of negative ions was even found by scientists to reduce the presence of airborne viruses by about 40%. A study featured in the 1987 issue also showed the negative ions are free from any adverse side effects.

A 1976 study featured in this publication provided evidence that negative ions can have a biologically lethal effect on airborne micro organisms.

Journal of Hygiene
A 1979 study found that using negative ionization in the air protected chickens from airborne infection of the deadly Newcastle Disease Virus.

Journal of Food Protection
A 2001 study found that airborne negative ionization was highly effective at destroying airborne and surface salmonella.

University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Romania)
A test on male rats showed that just moderate levels of negative ions increased the resistance of the rats, reducing or eliminating the effect of some chemicals.

Effect of Negative Ions on Drivers
A study by Toyota Central R & D Labs, Inc. found that negative ions can improve fatigue and cognition of drivers.

Negative Charged Ions are Effective in Treating Cancer (Cited from High-Voltage Treatment published by Youth Publishing)
In 1950, Dr. Haskell applied Negatively Charged Ions to patients of Hypertension. Amazingly, Negative Ions were proven to have a positive effect in lowering one's blood pressure, while no beneficial effects were observed with Positive Ions. Negative Ions are also effective against influenza, asthma and especially bronchial disease. Another study done by the University of Frankfurt involved a "Cancer Team" in order to further study the physical effects of Negative Ions to cancer cells. Different types of cancer cells were transfused into the bodies of mice. In order to have a base of comparison, one group of mice were put into a negative ion environment each day while the other group remained untouched. As a result, the mice in the negative ion environment lived, on average, for 59 days, while the mice that were untreated lived no longer than 34 days. The mice from the experimental team lived 25 days longer; some even lived as long as 80 days! The experiment's result confirm the effectiveness of Negative Ions in treating cancer.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Medical Research on Negative Ions exposure

It was RCA's Dr. Hansell who, in 1932, stumbled upon the behavioral effects of artificially generated air ions.

He noticed a startling swing in the moods of a fellow RCA scientist who worked beside an electrostatic generator.

* Some days the scientist finished work alert and in bubbling good spirits.
* On other days he was rude, ill-tempered, depressed.

Why? Dr. Hansell investigated and found that the scientist was happy when the ion generator was adjusted to produce negative ions, morose when it was producing positive ions. A few months later, reports of ionization research in Europe confirmed the strange experience.

A few years ago atmospheric ions became suddenly important to military, researchers in environmental medicine. How would they affect men locked in submarines? In space ships? What were the possibilities of ions therapy? Research programs multiplied, with fantastic results.

One sweltering day in Philadelphia a man sat before a small metal box resting atop a hospital file cabinet. It was plugged into an ordinary wall socket. A doctor flipped a switch. Inside the box a small fan whirred; the box hummed distantly, like a high-tension wire, and gave off a faint, sweetish odor. Soon the man felt alert, magical, refreshed, as though he had been taking deep gulps of sparkling October air. The doctor turned the machine off, switched on another that looked just like it. The air grew quickly stale. The man's head felt stuffy. His eyes smarted. His head began to ache. He felt vaguely depressed and tired.

With this simple experiment, the scientist, Dr. Igho H. Kornblueh, of the American institute of Medical Climatology, demonstrated the effect that atmospheric ions can have on human beings. The first machine generated negative ions; the second positive ions.

The air around us is filled with these electrically charged particles. They are generated in invisible billions by cosmic rays, radioactive elements in the soil, ultraviolet radiation, storms, waterfall, winds, the friction of blowing sand or dust. Every time we draw a breath they fill our lungs and are carried by the blood to our body cells. They appear to have a lot to do with such varied things as our moods, why cattle grow skittish before a storm, why rheumatic joints "tingle" when the barometer falls, and how ants know in advance that it's going to rain, in time to block their tunnels.

Falling barometric pressure and hot, dry, seasonal winds, such as the Alpine Fohn and the Rocky Mountain Chinook, for example, pack the air with an excess of positive ions. Not everyone is affected; healthy young people swiftly adapt to the change. But countless others are distressed. The aged come down with respiratory complaints, aching joints; asthma sufferers wheeze and gasp; children grow cranky and perverse; crime and suicide rates climb.

On the other hand, a preponderance of negative ions spices the air with exhilarating freshness. We feel on top of the world.

Dr. C. W. Hansell, research fellow at RCA Laboratories and an international authority on ionization, illustrates the effect with a story about his ten-year-old daughter. "We were outside, watching the approach of a thunderstorm. I knew that clouds of negative ions were filling the air. Suddenly my daughter began to dance across the grass, a radiant look in her face. She leaped up on a low boulder, threw her arms wide to the dark sky, and cried. 'Oh, I feel wonderful!'"

Negative ions "cure" nothing that we know of, at most afford relief only so long as one inhales them. Many doctors doubt their therapeutic effects. But there is a growing army of people who swear by them.

At the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate Hospital and at Northeastern and Frankford hospitals in Philadelphia, Dr. Kornblueh and his associates have administered negative-ion treatments to hundreds of patients suffering from hay fever or bronchial asthma. Of the total, 63 percent have experienced partial to total relief. "They come in sneezing, eyes watering, noses itching, worn out from lack of sleep, so miserable they can hardly walk," one doctor told me. "Fifteen minutes in front of the negative-ion machine and they feel so much better they don't want to leave."

In Philadelphia Dr. Kornblueh studied brain-wave patterns and found evidence that negative ions tranquilized persons in severe pain. In one dramatic test he held a negative ionizer to the nose and mouth of a factory worker who had been rushed to Northeastern Hospital with second-degree steam burns on his back and legs. In minutes the pain was gone. Morphine, customarily administered in such cases, was never necessary.

Today all burn cases at Northeastern are immediately put in a windowless, ion conditioned room. In ten minutes, usually, the pain has gone. Patients are left in the room for 30 minutes. The treatment is repeated three times every 24 hours. In 85 percents of the cases no pain-deadening narcotics are needed. Says Northeastern's Dr. Robert McGowan, "Negative ions make burns dry out faster, heal faster and with less scarring. They also reduce the need for skin-grafting. They make the patient more optimistic. He sleeps better."

Encouraged by this success in burn therapy, Dr. Kornblueh, Dr. J. R. Minehart, Northeastern's chief surgeon, and his associate Dr. T. A. David boldly tried negative ions in relief of deep, postoperative pain. During an eight month test period they exposed 138 patients to negative ions on the first and second days after surgery. Dr. Kornblueh has just announced the results at a London congress of bioclimatologists. In 79 cases 57 percent of the total negative ions eliminated or drastically reduced pain. "At first," says Dr. Minehart, "I thought it was voodoo. Now I'm convinced that it's real and revolutionary."

Experiments by Dr. Albert P. Krueger and Dr. Richard F. Smith at the University of California have shown how ionization affects those sensitive to airborne allergens. Our bronchial tubes and trachea, or windpipe, are lined with tiny filaments called cilia. The cilia normally maintain a whip like motion of about 900 beats a minute. Together with mucus, they keep our air passages free of dust and pollen. Krueger and Smith exposed tracheal tissue to negative ions, found that the ciliary beat was speeded up 1200 a minute and that mucus flow was increased. Doses of positive ions produced the opposite effect: ciliary beat slowed to 600 a minute or less; the flow of mucus dropped.

In experiments that may prove important in cancer research. Drs. Krueger and Smith also discovered that cigarette smoke slows down the cilia and impairs their ability to clear foreign, and possibly carcinogenic (cancer-inducing), substances from the lungs. Positive ions, administered along with cigarette smoke, lowered the ciliary beat as before, but from three to ten time faster than in normal air.

Negative ions however, counteracted the effects of the smoke. Observed Dr. Krueger, "The agent in cigarette smoke that slows down the ciliary beat is not known. Whatever it may be, its action is effectively neutralized by negative ions, which raise the ciliary beat as well in a heavy atmosphere of cigarette smoke as they do in fresh air."

How do ions trip off our moods? Most authorities agree that ions act on our capacity to absorb and utilize oxygen. Negative ions in the blood stream accelerate the delivery of oxygen to our cells and tissues, frequently giving us the same euphoric jolt that we get from a few whiffs of straight oxygen. Positive ions slow down the delivery of oxygen, producing symptoms markedly like those in anoxia, or oxygen starvation. Researchers also believe that negative ions may stimulate the reticuloendothelial system; a group of defense cells in our bodies which marshal our resistance to disease.

Dr. Krueger predicts that we shall some day regulate the ion level indoors much as we now regulate temperature and humidity. Ironically, today's air-conditioned buildings, trains and planes frequently become supercharged with harmful positive ions because the metal blowers, filters and ducts of air-conditioning systems strip the air of negative ions before it reaches its destination. Says RCA's Dr. Hansell, "This explains why so many people in air conditioned spots feel depressed and have an urge to throw open a window."

Air conditioner manufacturers are designing new systems that increase negative ionization. The American Broadcasting Co. will equip its new 30 story New York City headquarters with ion control. Two national concerns, Philco and Emerson Electric, already have ion control air conditioning systems on the market. RCA, Westinghouse, General Electric and Carrier Corp. have similar products under study or development.

We still have much to learn about atmospheric ions . But researches believe that these magic bits of electricity, under artificial control, will soon be helping millions to healthier, happier, more productive lives.

Article from Journal of Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine (August 1982 p. 822-823)

One group of subjects served as controls and was confirmed to the test chamber for a 6-hour period under air ion conditions typical of an energy- efficient building.
The second group was similarly confined, but ion generators began operating two hours before occupancy and continued all six hours of confinement. Generators were masked for all indications of operation, and were also present under control conditions but not turned on. Data from both groups were collected under double-blind conditions.

Summary of Results:
"Subjective perceptions of psychological state, using individual 'normalcy' as standard, reflected significant differences between control and negative ion exposure groups. Prominent perceptions reported were reductions in irritability, depression, and tenseness, and increases in calmness and stimulation associated with ion exposure. For psychological state, negative ion exposure appeared associated with feeling better about self, less sensitive, and more responsive or innervated (energized)."

Authors: L.W. Buckalew and A. Rizzuto

Source: Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force base, Dayton Ohio

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What are Negative Ions?

Negative ions are alkaline and positive ions are acidic. Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments such as mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increasel evels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress and boost our daytime energy.

City dwellers are usually bothered by stress/fatigue in city areas with high usage and presence of electrical home appliances, mobiles and industrial wastes produce positive ions which are harmful to our body.
Negative ions helps to facilitate blood circulation and enhance metabolism by lifting our body temperatures. This improves our quality of sleep and soothes fatigue from sore muscles caused by work or exercising.
If you feel washed out even after long hours of sleep, your body could be acidic and require negative ions to neutralize the acidic toxins by increasing the alkaline levels inside our body which will improve our balance of health. 

Vitamins of the Air?
Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy," says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C. "They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation."
And for a whopping one in three of us who are sensitive to their effects, negative ions can make us feel like we are walking on air. You are one of them if you feel instantly refreshed the moment you open a window and breathe in fresh, humid air. "You may be one of them if you feel sleepy when you are around an air-conditioner, but feel immediately refreshed and invigorated when you step outside or roll down the car window," Howard tells WebMD. "Air conditioning depletes the atmosphere of negative ions, but an ion generator re-releases the ions that air conditioners remove."
Regular use of negative ions product will have effect on:
* improve immune system
* improve blood circulation
* strengthens cardiovascular system
* improve sleep quality
* ease joint-related pains and body aches
* normalise your hormonal imbalances
* reduces stress and fatigue
* increase concentration, body energy and productivity

 Based on research and study, here are the summary of negative ion benefits: 

Asthma, Allergies, and other Respiratory Problems 
and Illnesses

Many scientific studies have been conducted over the years (mostly in Europe and Russia) showing how exposure to high levels of negative ions drastically or significantly reduce asthma and allergy symptoms, as well as respiratory-related illness.

Migraine Headaches
Inhaling negative ions regulates the production of serotonin inside the brain. The overproduction of serotonin inside the brain is the cause of migraine headaches.

The overproduction of serotonin (chemical produced inside the brain) also causes fatigue, and negative ions regulate the production of serotonin inside the brain.

A study in France found that negative ionizers helped people to sleep better, by regulating the production of the chemical serotonin in the brain.

Mental Performance and Concentration
Several tests have shown people exposed to negative ion treatment perform much better in mentally-oriented activities than those who are not.

Physical Performance
Due to test results performed by Russian scientists, negative ionizers were always installed in the locker rooms and resting places for the Russian athletes.

Studies performed in one hospital found that burn patients were far more likely to recover more quickly and thoroughly.

"The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods," says ion researcher Michael Terman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York.
In fact, Columbia University studies of people with winter and chronic depression show that negative ion generators relieve depression as much as antidepressants. "The best part is that there are relatively no side effects, but we still need to figure out appropriate doses and which people it works best on," he says.