1) Purifies the blood system, stimulating blood circulation.
2) Increases cell metabolism, causing an increase in cell activity.
3) Enhances the body’s immune system so you won’t get sick or catch cold easily.
4) Regulates autonomic nerves, enhance your health so you are always in optimal health.

According to Asian Medical Journal - the amount of negative ions in the air:
The amount of negative ion (Per 1cc of air):-
- 1,000~2,000 It is good for your health
- 5,000~50,000 Able to strengthen our body’s resistance and improve immunity
- 100,000~500,000 Helps our body to self-heal (Improve illness)
The largest organ in our body is our skin. We are only able to absorb 15% of negative ions through breathing. If we use our skin to absorb negative ions, the efficiency rises to 85%.
Therefore, our body cans absorb 100% of negative ions if we wear Teviron garments.
1) 净化血液:活化巨噬细胞,加速身体排除毒素、老旧废物,如:尿酸、胆固醇,能使血液清澈,预防血管阻塞、手脚冰冷。
2) 促进细胞活化性:使细胞充满活力,新陈代谢旺盛,能产生抗老化的作用,预防慢性病、恶性肿瘤。
3) 增强抵抗力:改善过敏体质,预防细菌、病毒的感染,使人不容易生病感冒。
4) 调整自律神经:让我们的身体处于优良状态,最典型的自律神经失调,例如:失眠、头痛、腰痠背痛、生理痛等等问题。
根据亚洲医学杂志所报导空气中负离子含量:- 每CC空气中的负离子含量
- 1,000~2,000 对人体健康有帮助
- 5,000~50,000 能增加人体的抵抗力及免疫力
- 100,000~500,000 对疾病有治疗作用
- 由呼吸(肺部)吸收仅达15%
- 透过皮肤吸收可达85%
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